OZONE SWIFT 6 (highB,kevyt)
Swift 6 (Rush 6:sen kevytversio) on Ozonen vastaus pilotille, joka haluaa tehokkaan matkalentosiiven, joka pakkautuu todella pieneen tilaan ja painaa alle 4kg (s-koko)! Swift 6:ssa on lyhyt ja tarkka ohjaus ja se on hyvin dynaaminen siipi. Tämä siipi ei siis ole aloittelijan siipi, mutta turvallinen EN B-luokan siipi jo hieman kokeneemmalle pilotille. Swift 6 sopii hyvin myös experteille.
Oma suosikkisiipeni on Swift, juuri tuon loistavan suorituskyvyn, sekä hyvän käsiteltävyyden vuoksi! Minä haluan siiven, jolla on hyvä kikkailla, joka tottelee kuin ajatusta ja jolla voi lentää kelissä kun kelissä! Tällä siivellä voit lentää oikeasti rauhassa speedi pohjassa hyvällä varmuudella!
Vaikka siipi on ns.kevytsiipi se on testattu samoilla painoilla ja samoilla G-kuormituksilla kuin ns.normisiivetkin. Eli jos kohtelet sitä hyvin se kestää ihan yhtä hyvin kun normisiipikin!
Swift 6 painaa vain 4,11kg (MS-koko) ja mikä tärkeintä se pakkautuu huomattavasti pienempään tilaan, kuin normisiipi.
Kysy myös hyvää tarjousta yhdessä valjaiden ja pelastusvarjon kanssa
The Swift 6 is a high performance intermediate cross-country wing. Thanks to lightweight materials and advanced construction techniques, the sail weight is among the lightest in the class. Its reduced sail inertia and increased agility makes it easier to launch and more efficient in flight. Derived from the Alpina 4, it shares performance development features with the Enzo and Zeno series wings, offering the highest glide and XC performance in its class.
The Launch
Inflation characteristics have improved significantly, nil-wind performance is on par with some of our easiest wings, with a light and responsive feel. High-wind launches are very easily managed, without the tendency to overshoot.
In the air, the Swift 6 is a joy to fly with dynamic, precise handling, a high top speed and high levels of XC efficiency. The brakes are precise in the first part of the range and very responsive in the second, this impressive agility is aided by a strong chord structure and excellent sail cohesion for a highly effective climbing performance.
New Tech
Stability in accelerated flight has been improved thanks to a new profile, optimised internal structure, and the ACR system. The Swift 6’s structure is the strongest we have yet made; even in aggressive turbulence the profile remains undisturbed, retaining its shape and efficiency with no chordwise deformation. The Active Control Risers, inherited directly from the Delta 4, gives the pilot full angle of attack control without deforming profile camber. ACR risers act on the B and C lines, allowing 2-line style control with a 3-line design.
The Aspect Ratio has been kept moderate for higher levels of passive safety and fun. Performance gains have been made through optimisation of the 3/2 line layout, new additional 3D shaping splits the leading edge, and modifications to the shaping of the panels and trailing edge / mini rib construction — all of which lead to significant reductions in parasitic drag and resultant glide & speed increases.
True Performance
Hundreds of hours test flying in the turbulent conditions of the Southern-Alps have satisfied our own most stringent passive safety requirements. The SwiftSix has True Performance — real, useable glide and speed in active XC conditions throughout the entire speed range, very much like our high-end EN B glider, the Rush 6, from which it is derived.
The Pilot
The Swift 6 is suitable for a wide range of pilots. With EN B certification, it is ideal for experienced intermediate recreational and XC pilots who have SIV experience and fly at least 50 hours per year.